Karen offers five great strategies for reconnecting.
Hilarious interview where Karen discusses intimacy issues and solutions.
Listen to award winning journalist Pamela Wallin's interview with Karen Hirscheimer on how to prepare your relationship for your retirement years.
CBC Radio host Josey Vogels gets Karen's take on how partners need to be sensitive to each other's timing around resolving differences.
Karen's interview in "Today's Parent" focuses on bringing a child into the world - something that changes every couple's life. What should you be thinking and talking about with your partner?
How to have an extraordinary relationship audio
How the lack of sleep can affect a couple's sex life and relationship. article
Do separated lovers have an equal chance of surviving. article
Read Karen's tips on what your relationship needs before it's your turn to say "I, do."
Listen to Karen's interview about how couples plan to use the extra hour gained after Daylight Savings time - is to be used for extra sex or extra sleep?
Read Karen's interview about succeeding in a second marriage.